President: Vicki Daniel, Case Western Reserve University
Vice President: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
Secretary: John Rankin, East Tennessee State University
Treasurer: Michael A. Flannery, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Local Arrangements: Dominique Tobbell Klakoski, University of Virginia
Outreach & Social Media Chair: Axelle Champion
Program Chair: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
Publication Committee Chair- Lisa Pruitt, Middle Tennessee State University
Webmaster: Peggy Balch, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
The Board for The Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science consists of the above officers and committee chairs, three members at-large, and the previous five presidents who are not currently holding another office and who have remained active in SAHMS.
Board Members (at-large, two-year terms):
Hilary Aquino, Albright College
Karen Ross, Troy University
Glenda Turner
Belle Tuten, Juniata College
Past Presidents (active):
Jennifer Rogers
Adam W. Davis, Community College of Allegheny County
Steven Weiss, Augusta University
Lisa Pruitt, Middle Tennessee State University
Michael A. Flannery, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert R. Nesbit, Jr., Augusta University
Past Presidents (inactive):
Wendy J. Turner, Augusta University
Maarten Ultee, University of Alabama
Margaret Barnett, University of Southern Mississippi
Vice President: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
Secretary: John Rankin, East Tennessee State University
Treasurer: Michael A. Flannery, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Local Arrangements: Dominique Tobbell Klakoski, University of Virginia
Outreach & Social Media Chair: Axelle Champion
Program Chair: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
Publication Committee Chair- Lisa Pruitt, Middle Tennessee State University
Webmaster: Peggy Balch, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair: Sarah M. Halter, Indiana Medical History Museum
The Board for The Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science consists of the above officers and committee chairs, three members at-large, and the previous five presidents who are not currently holding another office and who have remained active in SAHMS.
Board Members (at-large, two-year terms):
Hilary Aquino, Albright College
Karen Ross, Troy University
Glenda Turner
Belle Tuten, Juniata College
Past Presidents (active):
Jennifer Rogers
Adam W. Davis, Community College of Allegheny County
Steven Weiss, Augusta University
Lisa Pruitt, Middle Tennessee State University
Michael A. Flannery, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert R. Nesbit, Jr., Augusta University
Past Presidents (inactive):
Wendy J. Turner, Augusta University
Maarten Ultee, University of Alabama
Margaret Barnett, University of Southern Mississippi
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